InBody 120
Simple and Fast Healthcare solution
Wireless connection with Lookin’Body
InBody Score
This score shows the evaluation of your body composition, which includes muscle, fat, and water in the body.
Weight Control
See how your body measures up to the recommended Weight, Muscle Mass, and Body Fat Mass. The ‘+’ means to gain and ‘_’ means to lose.
Body composition Analysis
Body weight is the sum of Total Body Water, Protein, Minerals, and Body Fat Mass.
Maintain a balanced body composition to stay healthy.
Muscle-Fat Analysis
Compare the bar length of Skeletal Muscle Mass and Body Fat Mass.
The longer the Skeletal Muscle bar is compared to the Body Fat Mass bar, the stronger the body is.
- InBody120 Stand : ( Classy and stable with handgrip stand ) .
- Lookin’Body : exclusively designed software program for InBody 120 , Easy access & management of the patient’s data and history .
- optional Thermal Printer : Print a summarized Thermal Results Sheet .
1 Year
Manufacturer’s Warranty
10 impedances measurements,
2 frequencies at each of the 5
(Right Arm, Left Arm,
Trunk, Right Leg, Left Leg)
Additional features
LookinBody 120 and LookinBody
Web Compatible,
System,Wi-Fi Connectivity,
Security Access Code,
Standard Outputs
Weight, Total Body Water,
Dry Lean Mass, Body Fat Mass,
Skeletal Muscle Mass, Body Mass Index,
Percent Body Fat, Segmental Lean Analysis,
Body Composition History
Additional Outputs
Lean Body Mass, Body Fat- Lean Body Mass Control,
Basel Metabolic Rate,
Segmental Impedance at each Frequency,
Skeletal Mass Index