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Back Check 608

Modern sports and training facilities offer holistic health management. This is always based on correct anamnesis and diagnostics. The comprehensive status determination of the customer is possible with software-supported Dr. given WOLFF diagnostic devices. They enable measurements of mobility/strength abilities of various body regions. The test results are evaluated, assessed and documented by uniform software across all devices. Taking into account the risk factors and the desired training goals, the trainer can now develop absolutely individual training plans for his customers. After completion of the training session, a new measurement takes place. In this way, the success of the training can be documented in comparison to the initial measurements.



The BackCheck ® 608 is a multifunctional, mobile measuring system for the scientific analysis of the strength of different muscle groups.

The back test checks the performance of the posture-stabilizing muscles.

Chip and computer-aided measurement technology
describes the current muscular status
shows the strengths and weaknesses of the muscles
gives tips for the right back training
The customer-oriented documentation of measurement results and training progress is a basic requirement for successful health training. The Back-check ® software identifies and quantifies existing muscular deficits and imbalances. The reference data guarantee a reliable assessment of the test person's muscular status.



Assessment of different muscles group
Show the result in color code on an avatar
Show the balance between right and left side of the body


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